“The meaning of becoming whole or creating wholeness is to make something holy or to heal. The descent into one’s depths brings healing. It is the path to total being, the treasure which makes sacrifice worth the effort. This is the place where consciousness is born, and at the same time the place where healing and redemption take place. It is the cave where the dragon of chaos lives. But it is also the place of an indestructible city, a sacred place in your self where all the split-off parts of personality are united and become connected.”   —Carl G. Jung, Swiss Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst

Whole Health is a state of being where body, mind, heart, and soul are in alignment and mutually supportive in all aspects of life.

When life choices are in harmony with the heart’s desires and the soul’s truth and integrity, the body can exit the fight-or-flight survival mode and apply its resources to activating its natural self-healing mechanisms.

Six Steps to Radical Self-Healing

Lissa Rankin, MD, bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine and founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute, has developed a process (Six Steps to Radical Self-Healing) for creating and implementing a customized action plan aimed at making health-promoting changes in your life.

The Six Steps are:

  1. Believe that Healing is Possible
  2. Connect and Surrender to Your Inner Pilot Light, Letting Your Inner Knowing Guide Your Healing Journey
  3. Surround Yourself with Healing Support
  4. Diagnose the Root Cause of Your Illness
  5. Write the Prescription for Yourself
  6. Treat Your Fears and Resistance

The Whole Health Cairn

The core element of this process is a comprehensive wellness model (called the Whole Health Cairn) that helps you uncover aspects of your life that are out of balance.

The foundation of the Whole Health Cairn is your Inner Pilot Light, the divine spark that fuels and nourishes your entire being; your authentic self; your higher self; your soul; your intuition; your inner healer.

The other stones in the cairn represent nine distinct, yet interrelated areas that typically play major roles in shaping our lives:

  • Relationships
  • Work/Life Purpose
  • Creativity
  • Spirituality
  • Sexuality
  • Environment
  • Finances
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Health.

The examination of each of these areas is guided by a detailed questionnaire/worksheet.

Whole-Health Path Program

Mountain Light Healing offers the Whole-Health Path program as part of our personal-empowerment strategies. We leverage the online self-study course that Dr. Rankin has created to teach the Six-Step process; it is available for purchase here.

As a 2016 graduate of the Whole Health Medicine Institute, Verena Vomastic, PhD, is a trained facilitator for the Six Steps to Radical Self-Healing and ready to guide you along the trail.

For the Whole-Health Path program, she has assembled a series of practical energy-medicine techniques that complement the course materials and support the exploration of the Whole Health Cairn.

The complete program will provide you with powerful resources for achieving and maintaining optimal health and well-being.

Take action now–schedule a complimentary 10-minute phone consultation today to discuss how we can best support you on the whole-health path!