Please note: While all links are posted in good faith, their accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness cannot be guaranteed. Mountain Light Healing, LLC accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information accessed through the links below.

PanTheryx Pro—Extra-Strength Colostrum

for Adults and Kids (with Fiber)


“Colostrum is an amazing cornucopia of everything we need to maintain a healthy, functional gastrointestinal tract, which is a key to good health in general since many diseases have their origins in the gut, and the proper absorption of nutrients is key to maintaining the body in top running condition.”  Andrew M. Keech, PhD, author of Peptide Immunotherapy

To learn more about PanTheryx Pro and their high-quality products, please click here. PanTheryx Pro Colostrum is available for purchase at the Mountain Light Healing Studio in Colorado Springs. We look forward to discussing its wide array of benefits and invite you to contact us for a free sample.

NES Health™—

Devices, Infoceuticals, Media

NES Health™, a leader in the exciting field of bioenergetics, has mapped out the human body-field—the body’s energy and communication systems. The body-field acts as a control system for the body’s physiological activities.

The NES Health™ system uses three components to assess and correct distortions in the body-field: scanning technology (with a mobile home-use option) to assess/reassess; the miHealth® Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) and biofeedback device to unblock and rebalance; and imprinted mineralized water (Infoceuticals®) to restore correct information patterns. 

Click here to create a FREE account in the NES Health™ Client Portal where you can access a wide range of resources and order bioenergetic products, including the so-called Feel Good Infoceuticals® (general lifestyle and home-remedy solutions).